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Attributes, indicated by the [] symbols, allows attachment of metadata, annotations, or special instructions to various language constructs, such as types, fields, and functions.

  • Metadata: Attributes provide metadata about code elements. This metadata can be used for documentation, code generation, and tooling.

  • Configuration: Attributes allow developers to configure the behavior of code elements. They can control aspects like visibility, serialization, and more.

  • Annotations: Attributes can annotate code with additional information, aiding in code analysis and understanding.¨


Let's explore an example to illustrate how attributes work in Mew:

[foo(a: "arg1", b: "arg2")]
pub type Foo {
[bar(a: "arg1", b: "arg2")]
pub field Bar: i32;

[baz(a: "arg1", b: "arg2")]
pub fn Baz() {

In this example:

  • [foo(a: "arg1", b: "arg2")] is an attribute associated with the type Foo.

  • [bar(a: "arg1", b: "arg2")] is an attribute associated with the field Bar.

  • [baz(a: "arg1", b: "arg2")] is an attribute associated with the method Baz.