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A long overdue update

· One min read
Patrik Svensson
Maintainer of Mew

Life got in the way, but I've picked up this project again.

I've reduced the project scope to get something that works reliably out the door feasible; this means that Mew will be based on the .NET runtime, and as a first step, not generate CIL myself but transpile Mew to (non-optimal) C# code. This will hopefully make it easier to get something out and experiment with the language.

I'm focusing on documenting every aspect of the language that I would want to see in the first version. Once that is done, I will open the repository and open-source the project. Hopefully other people can learn from all my mistakes.


Mew is a learning exercise in compilers and an experiment to see if I can create something usable, mostly from a scripting perspective.

Trying this again

· One min read
Patrik Svensson
Maintainer of Mew

I know it's never a good idea to write things from scratch, but I still intend to do it with Mew. Over the past few months, I've learned various aspects of how a compiler works and contemplated what I want Mew to be. Hopefully, something good will come out of it. Time will tell.